
  • Davender Singh M.Tech Student Computer Science Department YIT college Jaipur
  • Ankur Goyal HOD Computer Science Department YIT college Jaipur


load Balancing in cloud, traffic management in cloud computing, dynamic load balancer, comparison of load balancing algorithms, how to choose the best server to reduce the response time, dynamic algorithm of load balancing, weighted load balancing algorithm


Load Balancing is a method in which the requests sent to the servers by numerous clients are redirected by the load balancer algorithm/program which seats between the client and the server such that it distributes the load among all the available server instances in such a way that it maximises resource utilization with minimum response time and servers/instances are less overloaded. The rate at which the uses of internet applications at the enterprise level are expanding because of ease of availability of internet and huge set of devices that are available to use internet such as smart phones, laptops, PDAs etc , it challenges the cloud system how to balance the load among the servers present within the cloud environment. These cloud applications services such as SaaS, IaaS and PaaS faces a bottleneck problem when the client increase as a consequence the load on these services increased abruptly so here
comes the role of load balancer to balance the traffic by determining the least loaded and fast responding servers from the set of available instances of servers such that it can redirect the request sent from the client. So in order to remain responsive the server instances need to apply some good mechanism of load balancing in the present scenario, enterprises are required to have effective load balancing within their environment architecture. To survive in the competitive market, the wisest solution is to use cloud based service for developing infrastructure. This paper will help in evaluating which load balancing algorithm should be used, using virtual java based cloud environment some dynamic load balancing algorithms are compared with each other and also some enhancement in the already existed load balancing mechanism is proposed and again compared to the existing ones with a thought on overall performance of infrastructure/system and to reduce the response time




How to Cite

Singh, D. ., & Goyal, A. . (2018). ENHANCED LOAD BALANCING IN CLOUD COMPUTING. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 327–331. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/759