Prevention of confidential and sensitive information leakage in data mining


  • Kishore Mishra Computer Science & Engineering Apex Institute of Engineering And Technology, Jaipur, India
  • Associate Prof. Brij Kishore Computer Science & Engineering Apex Institute of Engineering And Technology, Jaipur, India


Privacy preserving techniques, k-anonymity, Anonymization, data mining.


Extensive measure of data is delivered in electronic form by different legislative and non-legislative organizations. Information related to specific individual needs to be protected, sothat it may not harm the privacy.It is observed that various techniques has been proposed earlier times as a mechanism for protecting privacy in publishingof sensitive data, but the mechanisms are inadequate to safeguard the secrecyproblems.Kanonymity has been used as successful techniqueitexpress this methodologyachievesenhanced over the distinct ldiversity measure, probabilistic l-diversity measureand k-anonymity through t-closeness measure since only rarer partitioning must be done for a robustsecrecyrequiremen




How to Cite

Mishra, K. ., & Kishore, A. P. B. . (2018). Prevention of confidential and sensitive information leakage in data mining. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 390–394. Retrieved from