Design Of High Performance Concrete By The Partial Replacement of Cement With Silica Fume using M60 Grade
Silica Fume, Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength, Flexural StrengthAbstract
This paper presents a detailed coverage of High Performance concrete developments in civil engineering field.The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance effects on concrete by mineral admixture such as silica fume (as a partial replacement of cement) in concrete when it is mixed in cement concrete for workability, durability and strength of concrete using OPC (53 grade). Silica fume has been used to replace OPC which varies from 10% to 25% at interval of 10% by total weight of OPC.A total ten mixes (trial mix, control mix and variation mix) were prepared for M60 grade of concrete. This study investigates the performance of concrete under influence of silica fume in terms of slump, compressive strength at 7 days 14 days 28 and 56 days, flexural strength of beam at 7,14,28 and 56 days and splitting tensile strength of Cylinder at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days. A number of specimens for cubes, cylinders and beams were Casted respectively, which were casted for testing to study the influence of Silica fume on concrete. These Concrete specimens were deep cured in water under normal atmospheric temperature. The percentage of silica fume that have been replaced with cement was 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%