Design of Steel Structure Building using Speedfloor Technology


  • Divya Jyothi V Department Of Civil Engineering & JNTUA College of Engineering
  • Sashidhar C Department Of Civil Engineering & JNTUA College of Engineering


Speedfloor, Expanded Polystyrene, emerging, high rise structures, cumbersome


The principle objective of this project is to analyse and design of Steel multi storied Building (2cellars+1 stilt + 6floors) using STAAD.Pro V8i and the methodology used is Speedfloor Technology. Speedfloor Technology is an new emerging field in the construction of steel structure which is already been used in Australia, Newzealand and other western countries. Speedfloor, the unique suspended concrete flooring system, is an innovation to the building industry. Speedfloor is quick and easy to install. Speedfloor is a lightweight, cost-effective system that's perfect for multi-storied residential or commercial buildings and parking garages. Compared to normal constructions the walls used are EPS(Expanded Polystyrene Panels) walls. Its weight is less compared to Brick masonry and it provides diaphragm action. The overall weight of the structure is reduced and the composite floor is provides with ply wood as base and is removed once the deck has hardened. The spacing of the beams can be decided based on the vendor
input.Complicated and high rise structures need very time taking and cumbersome calculations using conventional manual methods. STAAD Pro provides as a fast , efficient, easy to use and accurate platform for analyzing and designing structures.




How to Cite

V, D. J., & C, S. (2021). Design of Steel Structure Building using Speedfloor Technology. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 3(11), 188–197. Retrieved from