Parametric Study of Multistorey Buildings as Per Indian Seismic Codes IS1893:2002 & IS 1893:2016


  • Kiran Shanbhag Structual Engineering department, Sardar Patel College of Engineering
  • Dr. A.A. Bage Structual Engineering department, Sardar Patel College of Engineering


Response Spectrum Method, fundamental period, Etabs model, structural parameters, steel quantity


Considerable improvement in earthquake resistant design has been observed in recent past. As a result Indian seismic code IS: 1893 has also been revised in year 2016, after a gap of 14 years. This project intended to present parametric study for multi-storey buildings as per IS: 1893-2002 and IS: 1893-2016 recommendations. Four multi-storey RC framed buildings ranging from fifteen storeyed to thirty storeyed will be considered and analyzed. The process will give a set of individual analysis sequences for each building and the results will be used to compare the seismic response viz. Lateral displacement, Base Shear, Mode Shape & Storey drifts are computed as per the two versions of seismic code. Steel Quantity of shear walls was compared using software ‘Draftwin’ which creates detailed quantities for concrete, reinforcement and formwork for RCC buildings. It is considered that such study needs to be carried out for individual structure to predict seismic vulnerability of RC framed buildings & also to check the buildings which were designed using earlier code and due to revisions in the codal provisions may have rendered unsafe.




How to Cite

Shanbhag, K. ., & Bage, D. A. (2018). Parametric Study of Multistorey Buildings as Per Indian Seismic Codes IS1893:2002 & IS 1893:2016 . International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 549–559. Retrieved from