A Personalized Hierarchical Feature Of Cyper Text Based Proxy Encryption Using Mobile Computing


  • S. Megala M.Phil (full-time) Research Scholar PG and Research Department of Computer Science, Vivekananda College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India
  • Mr. V.P. Muthukumar Assisstant Professor PG and Research Department of Computer Science, Vivekananda College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India


Attribute-based proxy re-encryption, cloud computing, data sharing


The Proxy encryption strategies with respect to comfy cloud records and its utility. There are various encryption schemes that offer protection and get right of entry to manage over the community. Proxy encryption enables the semi-depended on proxy server to encrypt .The encryption is accomplished with-out the server being capable of decrypt. The function primarily based definitely proxy encryption (ABPRE) scheme is one of the proxy encryption, which. ABPRE extending the conventional proxy encrypted and
attributes an critical characteristic. In ABPRE Proxy encryption strategies with recognize to cozy cloud data and its utility. there are
various encryption schemes that offer protection and get admission to manipulate over the network. Proxy encryption permits the semi-relied on proxy server to re-encrypt the legal consumer simply makes use of his very personal mystery key to decrypt the encrypted statistics, and he doesn’t need to shop an extra decryption key for decoding; The touchy records cannot be observed to the proxy in encryption, and the proxy most effective complies to the facts owner’s command. We achieve this motive by means of first combining the Hierarchical based totally Encryption (HIBE) system.




How to Cite

Megala, S., & Muthukumar, . M. V. (2018). A Personalized Hierarchical Feature Of Cyper Text Based Proxy Encryption Using Mobile Computing. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 612–616. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/900