Study on the Behavior of R.C.C. Beam-Column Junction
Beam, Column, Precast Concrete, cast in situ, beam column junctionAbstract
In recent years, the growth of infrastructure is rapidly. The demand of client is to construct with better quality and also in short time. In R.C.C. structures the common portion of beam and column and also a critical section is called beam – column joint. The beam – column joints play a critical role in R.C.C. structures. In this study we are going to compare the behavior precast and cast in situ beam column joint. Casted two specimens of precast and two specimens of cast in situ specimens of same size and same design. Using Fe-415 and M:20 grade of concrete (nominal mix) to prepare a both specimens. The height of column of all four specimens is 1350 mm. Cross section of column is 150×150 mm. Span of beam is 700 mm and cross section of beam is 150×150 mm. To prepare a precast specimens casting of column and beam separately and joint beam and column with grouted material. Using a table vibrator to give vibration to the specimens during concreting. A load is given by hydraulic jack of 500kn capacity at a corner of the beam and used proving ring to measure the load