Water Injection Effects on Performance Characteristics of a CI Engine


  • N.SHARATH BHUSHAN PG student, department of mechanical engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Engineering and Technology, Anantapur
  • Prof. K. HEMACHANDRA REDDY Professor in mechanical engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Engineering and Technology, Anantapur


Performance, IC Engine, reduction of NOX Emissions, inlet manifold, water injection effect,


All over the world, number of experiments are being carried out to reduce the emissions of the i.c engines. Among them, water injection in inlet manifold is one technique. Experiments will be conducted on four stroke single cylinder water cooled diesel engine with water injection system. Different water quantities will be supplied constantly with air in the intake manifold of the engine. The obtained results will be compared with diesel engine without water injection setup. As a result of the water injection in the form of fine spray droplets exerts positive effects on exhaust emission particularly on NOx missions. Because of the water injection, combined effect of absorbing heat developed by fuel during combustion and increased partial pressure of oxygen puts down the combustion temperature and thus it helps to decrease formation of NOX.




How to Cite

BHUSHAN, N., & HEMACHANDRA REDDY, P. K. (2021). Water Injection Effects on Performance Characteristics of a CI Engine. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 3(10), 114–120. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/944