Analysis of Scalable Entity Preserving Data Exchange


  • V Sravani Department of CSE & JNTUACE
  • Dr. A. SureshBabu Department of CSE & JNTUACE


Frequent itemset, performance, density.


Data distribution over large datasets in data mining by using present techniques and algorithms for finding frequent itemset lack a mechanism while performing the computations like load balancing, data collection and distriburion, and fault tolerance. Data exchange is the processing of data representing a structured format. One of the mostly used tree based similarity techniques decision trees will help finding the frequent itemset parallelly, for that we design a algorithm called FiDoop. Here, In this paper, clustering the data from datasets is the important thing where the content in the datasets is to be again re-cluster dependent on frequent data, that helps in processing of minimized data to retrieve easily that gives the final result to obtain. In existing, encountering a problem of ambiguous data like null values and fragmentation of entities in the process of exchanging of data. To issue this problem, we identify that FiDoop on the clustered data is sensitive to data distribution and dimensions, because it performs itemsets with different lengths have different processings and implementation costs. To improve FiDoop’s performance, the paper explains D-STREAM, the first micro-cluster based clustering component that externally captures the density between micro-clusters vs a shared density graph.




How to Cite

Sravani, V., & SureshBabu, D. A. (2021). Analysis of Scalable Entity Preserving Data Exchange. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 3(9), 01–05. Retrieved from