Thermal Analysis of Engine Fins by using FEM: A Review


  • Naman Sahu M.Tech. Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Radharaman Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal
  • Vishal Gupta A.P. and Principal,Radharaman Engineering College (Polytechnic Wing), Bhopal, India
  • Pradeep Kr. Kurmi A.P. and Principal, Radharaman Institute of Research and Technology (Polytechnic Wing), Bhopal, India


Convection, Fins, Heat dissipation, Thermal analysis.


The Engine cylinder is one of the primary engine elements, that is subjected to excessive temperature variations and thermal stresses. Fins are placed on the surface of the cylinder to enhance the amount of heat transfer by convection. For thermal analysis of the engine cylinder fins, it is more beneficial to know the heat dissipation inside the cylinder. Present study has been done to enhance knowledge about the various researches done in recent years which show that heat transfer by fins depend upon on variety of fins, fin pitch, fin layout, wind velocity, fabric and climate situations. Literature survey shows that heat transfer is enhanced through extended
surfaces and the heat transfer coefficient is affected by changing cross section of the fins. This study is useful to recognize the better geometry and material for the fins for higher heat dissipation rate and engine cooling




How to Cite

Sahu, N., Gupta, V. ., & Kurmi, P. K. . (2018). Thermal Analysis of Engine Fins by using FEM: A Review. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 711–718. Retrieved from