Dehradun Towards an Integrated MSW Management : A case study of Dehradun City, Uttarakhand
Solid waste management (SWM); municipal solid waste (MSW); Integrated solid waste management plant (ISWMP); Life Cycle Assessment (LCAAbstract
In India, Solid Waste Management (SWM) has been practicing by municipalities of concerned cities or towns. Though we have knowledge of various kinds of SWM techniques still the implementation of suitable waste management practices within the city or town is a big challenge.This study involvestwo scenarios that are taken into consideration and with the help of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool the potential impacts of the waste processing systems on the environment are determined. On the basis of the calculation of the environmental impact load and after comparing these scenarios, standard and the best suitable system of waste processing will be designed and forward to Dehradun Municipal Corporation (DMC) for standard and efficient Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) of Dehradun city. This paper highlights the points where Dehradun Municipal Corporation (DMC) needs to give attention for proper MSW management and maintaining the natural beauty of the city.