Effect Of Bagasse Ash And RBI Grade-81 On Geotechnical Properties Of Expansive Soil
Expansive Soils , Bagasse Ash , Liquid Limit , Plastic Limit , Swelling Properties , Standard Proctor Test , Plasticity Index .Abstract
Large area of land in India are covered with Expansive soils ( mainly Black Cotton soil ). The nature of these expansive soils is that they are quite strong when in dry state, but they lose all of their strength when in wet state. Keeping in view the nature of these soils, their nature poses problems worldwide and acts as challenge for the Geotechnical engineers. One of the essential factors for construction purposes is soil stabilization, and is used usually in foundation and road design. This is the reason why a stabilization process improves engineering properties of the soil such as stability, shear strength and durability. Replacement may be done using better material, otherwise the soil is treated with a stabiliser. Soil sample of Bagasse ash had a comparatively higher strength, lower value plasticity
index than original soil. The addition of Bagasse Ash in the expansive soil gave large increase in strength and reduced swelling properties. For doing various tests, the expansive soil was mixed with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash (SBA) from 0% to 20% at an increment of 5%. RBI grade 81 was mixed with expansive soil from 0% to 6% at an increment of 2%.The Liquid linit test, plastic limit test, standard proctor compaction test, unconfined compressive strength test were done on expansive soil in light of Indian standard (IS) codes. The institutions which are involved in the construction of road pavements, highway embankments, railways, building foundations can use these results in the field of soil stabilization with advantage.