Effect of Different Set of Stiffness Modifiers Varying Through Height of Structure on Analysis of Multi-Story R.C.C. Structure


  • Mustafa E. Mithaiwala PG Student, Civil Engineering Department, JSPM’s ICOER Wagholi, Pune 412207
  • Prof. Amol A. Patil Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, JSPM’s ICOER Wagholi, Pune 412207
  • Dr. Navnath V. Khadake HOD of Civil Engineering Department, JSPM’s ICOER Wagholi, Pune 412207


Story shear, displacement, Drift, RSX, RSY


Many of the concrete buildings are still designed and analysed through linear elastic practices. To find a reasonable structural response, modification in stiffness of concrete elements is required. There are many codes that permit the designers to use modification factors less than 1 for stiffness to tackle the effect of cracking in case of a seismic event. Some of the codes had different stiffness modifiers depending upon the load or the same for all levels. It will be hard to check each and every column and then change the stiffness of it. To ease this process, we had developed a relationship with the Storey share to base shear ratio and moment ratio with stiffness modifier. In this paper, we are going analysis G + 20 story residential building with a different set of stiffness modifiers varying through the height of the building and checked the behaviour of structure concerning story drift displacement. 




How to Cite

E. Mithaiwala, M., A. Patil, P. A., & V. Khadake, D. N. (2021). Effect of Different Set of Stiffness Modifiers Varying Through Height of Structure on Analysis of Multi-Story R.C.C. Structure. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 6(8), 07–18. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/IJTIMES/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/161