Application of a Mathematical Modelling Tool for the Evaluation of Hydrological Parameters using Conventional Survey and Drone Survey


  • Abhishek Budhavant Research students, Dept. of Civil Engineering, MITCOE, Pune
  • Priyanka Danane Research students, Dept. of Civil Engineering, MITCOE, Pune
  • Yash Deshpande Research students, Dept. of Civil Engineering, MITCOE, Pune
  • Shubham Patil Research students, Dept. of Civil Engineering, MITCOE, Pune
  • Prof. Dr. Shantini Bokil Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, MITCOE, Pune
  • , Mr. Kuldeep Malik Scientist ‘B’, Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune
  • Mrs. Kasturi Katte Assistant Research Officer, Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune


Flood Management, Traditional Surveying Methods, HEC-RAS Modelling, Drone Surveying


The survey work of flood affected area of river basin is significant factor in flood management. The flood management work is done by analysing water discharge and water profiles at different cross-sections of river basin. River bed plays crucial role in distribution of flood water and water velocity profile. Hence topographical detailed survey is very much essential for flood management works.
Traditionally topographical survey work is carried out manually by using total station to acquire detailed data on the actual spot by the people on the ground. On the other hand, in aerial surveying UAV borne mapping system is developed for survey purpose of river basin in which digital and infrared cameras are used along with GPS. This paper focuses on comparative study between conventional topographical survey and drone or aerial photographic survey by using the HECRAS software for achieving results. The comparison is done on the basis of flow rate, water depth and velocity across the flood plain of river. The evaluated parameters in the study provides a guideline for the decision making process for water resource management projects.




How to Cite

Abhishek Budhavant, Priyanka Danane, Yash Deshpande, Shubham Patil, Bokil, P. D. S. ., , Mr. Kuldeep Malik, & Mrs. Kasturi Katte. (2019). Application of a Mathematical Modelling Tool for the Evaluation of Hydrological Parameters using Conventional Survey and Drone Survey. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(4), 902–912. Retrieved from