Development of Concrete Paver Block Using Industrial Waste-Fly Ash


  • Deep R. Shah Final year M. Tech. Environmental Engineering, B.V.M. Engineering College / Gujarat Technological University
  • Dr. Jayeshkumar Pitroda Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, B.V.M. Engineering College / Gujarat Technological University
  • Prof. (Mrs) Reshma L. Patel Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, B.V.M. Engineering College / Gujarat Technological University


Fly Ash, Cement, Concrete Paver Block, Compressive Strength, Water Adsorption


In the course of recent decades, paving blocks made out of concrete has turned into a component of our towns and urban areas. It is to be found in residential, commercial and industrial locations in the paving like shopping centres, parking areas, stopping zones and transport stops. India is a developing nation so here the development of roadway assumes an essential part. Concrete paving block innovation has been presented in India 10 years back, for particular necessities like pathways, stopping zones, parking zones etc. It gives a hard surface which is stylish, comfortable to walk on, trafficable, extremely tough and easy to keep up. The principle point of this research is to create solid paving blocks from industrial waste. The fundamental purpose behind the utilization of the industrial waste is to decrease the landfill issue and further more to control the consumption of the natural assets. For this reason industrial waste-fly ash was chosen. With various proportions of 20%, 25% and 30% cement was replaced with fly ash, paving blocks were casted and tested according to the guidelines given in the Indian standards for precast concrete blocks for paving (IS: 15658:2006). These test outcomes are then compared with the outcomes of the conventional concrete paving blocks




How to Cite

Shah, D. R. ., Pitroda, D. J. ., & L. Patel, P. (Mrs) R. (2018). Development of Concrete Paver Block Using Industrial Waste-Fly Ash. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(5), 628–634. Retrieved from

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