Elevated Circular Tanks, Dynamic Analysis, and STAAD-PROAbstract
Water tanks are very important components of lifeline. They are vital component in municipal water system, fire fighting systems and in many industrial facilities for storage of water. The water tanks get heavily damaged or collapsed during earthquake due to the fluid-structure interactions; hence the seismic behaviour of tanks has the characteristics of complex phenomena. Water storage tanks ought to stay practical within the postearthquake amount to confirm potable water system to earthquake affected regions. The parametric study suggests that the elevated circular tanks perform better than elevated rectangular tanks. In the present study, a
dynamic analysis of elevated RCC water tanks design for the zone III and zone V as per Indian Standard : 1893- 2002 (Part-2) and analyzed manually as well as using the software considering all the earthquake forces. Objective of this paper is to understand the dynamic behaviour of elevated water tanks under earthquake loading.