Design and Development of Disc in Four wheeler to Maintain Gyroscopic effect


  • Joshi Naman Hiteshbhai PG Student Mechanical Department Veerayatan Institute of Engineering
  • Kunal Dagha Assistant Professor in Mechanical Department Veerayatan Institute of Engineering
  • Kapil Lakhani Assistant Professor in Mechanical Department Veerayatan Institute of Engineering


Gyroscope, Four wheeler, Balancing, Disc, Design


At the time of driving four wheeler vehicles like sedan, station wagon types, of which wheel base to track width ratio is high, if any sudden or sharp turn is taken at higher speed on the curved path, then there a possible risk of rollover accident of vehicle. To avoid such kind of accidents, gyroscope (as a rotating disc) can be used within vehicle to produce gyroscopic reaction. Gyroscope here used balances the forces induced at the time of turning of vehicle over a curved path that causes vehicle rollover. Determination of external forces acting on vehicle during a turn on the road helps to design the gyroscope disc. By design procedure we can balance the external force by providing factor of safety




How to Cite

Hiteshbhai, J. N., Dagha, K. ., & Lakhani, K. . (2018). Design and Development of Disc in Four wheeler to Maintain Gyroscopic effect. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(4), 248–252. Retrieved from