Detailed Survey on Recommendation System with Classification Technique in Web Usage Mining


  • Neha Khandewal Research Scholar, Dept Computer Science and Engg Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering ,Jaipur
  • R.L Yadav Associate .Proffesor Dept Computer Science and Engg Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering ,Jaipur


Data Mining, Web Usage Mining, Recommendation System, Really Simple Syndication, Classification, KNN Algorithm.


As all data is accessible on the Internet however it is difficult for each client to discover applicable data in a short span of time. So as to beat this issue proposal framework presented in the Web world. In this paper, the issue and different methods are clarified for suggestion models. The serious problem of various online web sites is the overview of many decisions to the altered customers at the same time. This normally results in a tedious assignment in determining the accurate object or information on the site. The client's extant conspiracy trusts on the directional conduct It cooperates with clients directly in their interventions and encourages them to take some time in limited quantities in a limited capacity. Further examples obtained through data collection strategies did not work well in the future of future perusing designing due to the low coordinated rate of the guidelines and the supervision of the client.
Web Usage Mining (WUM) finds challenging examples of use from web-based information and promotes the need for web-based applications in a major way.




How to Cite

Khandewal, N. ., & Yadav, R. . (2019). Detailed Survey on Recommendation System with Classification Technique in Web Usage Mining. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(6), 465–470. Retrieved from