A Review on Clustering Based Algorithm with Fuzzy Logic in Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless Sensor Network, Clustering, Energy, LEACH, Fuzzy Logic.Abstract
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an upcoming & promising technology for the future. The cost-effective, as well as smart sensors production which shown in the advancement with the deployment in ease from of the WSNs. Consumption of Energy is an open & major researched form of issue in the WSNs. energy from Sensor is utilized by the data generation, memory accession, & with the processes of input/output. on the other hand, wireless communication among the nodes uses up power in more amount. Therefore, researchers work to build up novel ways which facilitate data processing of intra-cluster through grouping the nodes in the form of clusters. Such methods abolish sensing of data which is redundant in form & transmission cost be lower and lower network load. Formation of Cluster is extensively needed method for the data management, reducing the communication overhead, maintaining a better version of traffic control, also improving the efficiency of energy with the stability of the network. For WSNs, different clustering methods been presented which have targeted to the conservation of energy in maximized form. In the given paper, the complete survey is performed on clustering & fuzzy logic inside the network.