Power Sharing of Transformers with Auto Protection


  • Mahesh Reddy Student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology, Nellore, Andhra pradesh, India
  • Prapul Student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology, Nellore, Andhra pradesh, India
  • Bhuvaneswarr Student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology, Nellore, Andhra pradesh, India
  • Janee Basha Student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology, Nellore, Andhra pradesh, India


Generator, Load Sharing, Microcontroller, Microcontroller, Power


Renewable Power failure is a short or long term loss of electric power to an area mostly cost cause by short
circuit, damage to electric transmission line, overvoltage, faults at power stations and more commonly failure due to
overloading. The possible damage areas are affected by losing power. The one inherent problem with standard power
sharing and monitoring units is their broadcast strength. Since you have to be physically close to the alarm to hear it,
you might not get notified in time to actually prevent overload. The microcontroller based load sharing and control
system is a device that automatically controls overload on a generator by sharing power and cut off supply once the
power consumption exceeds the amount of power supplied. The control system for controlling the AC loads will be
selected within a power range of 500W. This is achieved by using a microcontroller PIC16F877A to automatically
detect an overload and subsequently cut off supply. The method used in the project provides necessary stages from
overload detection to switching/cutting off supply. The main aim of the work is to provide a non-interrupted power
supply to the energy consumers. By implementation of this scheme the problem of interruption of supply due to
generator overloading can be avoided. The work was fairly successful and there liability level expected is
commendable as this may also create room for improvement. The project was tested and observed that it cut off supply
as soon as the microcontroller senses an overload on the system by the user.




How to Cite

Mahesh Reddy, Prapul, Bhuvaneswarr, & Janee Basha. (2019). Power Sharing of Transformers with Auto Protection. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(15), -. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/3126