Under Ground Cable Fault Detection Using GSM and GPS by Using Arduino Board
Fault ID, Global framework for versatile com-munication (GSM), GPS(Global Positioning System), Arduino UNO, Analog to advanced converter (ADC), Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)Abstract
This paper proposed to identify the blame area in underground link lines from the base station to correct
area in km utilizing Arduino and GSM (Global framework for portable correspondence) module, GPS(Global
Positioning System) module. The essential thought behind the working of this venture is ohms' law. In underground
framework, event of blame is uncommon and is difficult to find the precise position of blame. To conquer this issue,
we thought of the thought displayed in paper. This undertaking is masterminded with set of resistors appearing of link
in kilometers and a lot of changes are utilized to make blame at each realized kilometer to decide the precise area and
results in regards to blame readings, and showed on a LCD interfaced with the Arduino UNO board. Further Arduino
programming is utilized to reproduce the blame. This task is beneficial in lessening the cost, creation misfortunes by
sparing the time and endeavors for segment of shortcomings and improving the influence accessibility to customers
through an upgrade of by and large efficiency of influence nets.