Comparative analysis of Steel concrete Composite Structure and RCC Structure under Accidental loading as per Unified Facilities Criteria


  • M. Akhil Chaturvedi M. Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering Ananthapuramu, A.P., India
  • Dr. E Aruna Kanthi Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering Ananthapuramu, A.P., India


Accidental Loading, Blast Loading, Surface Blast, Steel concrete composite Structure, RCC, Multi Storey Building, Shear wall, ETabs etc.


Accidental load resisting structures are completely different type of load than considered in the conventional design. They experience rapid moving shock wave which may exert greater pressures than those of pressure exerted by hurricane, but the peak intensity lasts for a very small duration. To design such structures which are capable of resisting intense but short duration loads , members and joints are permitted to deflect and strain much greater than the limit allowed for usual static loads .This permitted deflection is in plastic range of material hence large amount of energy are observed during this action, thus reducing the required design strength considerably below that required by conventional design which is within elastic range moreover under higher rates of loading the strength developed by the material increases with the rate of loading. There is a standard for analysis and design of blast loading in IS: 4991-1968 but there are limitations for this Indian Standard code covers the blast loads only above the ground and also it does not consider the blast effects of nuclear explosions and this code was proposed in 1968 which is far back to the present requirements hence we have used the analytical method which is prescribed by “Unified Facilities Criteria by Department of Défense of USA” this code was proposed in the year 2008. So, this procedure is considered as an advanced method when compared to IS code. Thus, by doing the proper study on above all aspects, there is a scope of study to resist blast loads using shear wall and steel concrete composite structures for a multi storey building through Etabs software




How to Cite

Chaturvedi, M. A. ., & Kanthi, D. E. A. . (2021). Comparative analysis of Steel concrete Composite Structure and RCC Structure under Accidental loading as per Unified Facilities Criteria. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 7(1), 01–14. Retrieved from