Agent Insurance Renewal
policy-number, renewal, notification, payment, client details.Abstract
Agent Insurance Renewal app helps to reduce the work of the client and to keep them updated about the date
of expiry and also the status of their policy. The agent can search any client with their respective Policy number or the
Vehicle number registered with the policy. Having an insurance policy reduces the financial burden in the case of loss
or damages arising from an accident caused to or by your insured vehicle. The renewal date of your insurance policy
is based on the date your policy grabbed. Using this app, the agents can notify the clients through. E-mail or SMS
regarding the unpaid (pending) amount and acknowledge for the renewal process. The agent can enter the type of
vehicle for proceeding with the renewal process. The payment will be done to the insurance company by the client with
the help of the agent. If the client forgets about renewing the policy, an alert will be sent by the application for the
second time in order to notify the client again. The insurance can also be renewed by the client through this app.