Air Flow Analysis of Solar Drying Chamber


  • T.A.Arun Assistant professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • J.Ragul Ug scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • A.Subash Ug scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology


Drying chamber, Flow Express, Flow Analysis


This study is based on the drying kinetics of the commodities inside the drying chamber. The air flow
inside the chamber determines the drying rate of the commodities placed inside the chamber. To find the
maximum area of air circulation inside the chamber to ensure the maximum moisture removal from the
commodity and analysed the chamber using SOLIDWORKS FLOEXPRESS ANALYSIS WIZARD and found out
the highest possible combination for the inlet and outlet for the chamber which provides maximum area of
distribution which results higher drying rates and also determine the shape of the mesh structures.




How to Cite

T.A.Arun, J.Ragul, & A.Subash. (2019). Air Flow Analysis of Solar Drying Chamber. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(18), -. Retrieved from