Waste to Energy Technologies for Sustainable MSW Management - An Overview


  • S. Saravanan Advanced Data Processing Research Institute (ADRIN), Department of Space / ISRO, Secunderabad.
  • Prashant P Angarakh Advanced Data Processing Research Institute (ADRIN), Department of Space / ISRO, Secunderabad.
  • P.Bhaskar Rao Advanced Data Processing Research Institute (ADRIN), Department of Space / ISRO, Secunderabad


— Waste to Energy; Integrated Municipal Solid Waste management; Technologies; Standards; Pollution


Rapid population growth, Urbanization, Industrial growth is increasing the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) day by day in developing countries like India. The management of MSW is very severe problem and biggest challenge not only because of environmental and aesthetic concerns but also the potential threat to public health, resulting improper and non-scientific handling of municipal waste due to enormous quantities generated every day. In India the average MSW generation is 450 gm/per capita/day. Inappropriate disposal of waste creates various health effects and pollution in the environment. The preferred Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS) strategies within the hierarchy includes at-Source Reduction and Reuse, Recycling, Composting, Waste to Energy (WtE) & Landfills. Among these WtE is safe, economical, eco-friendly, minimizes the amount of disposal of MSW, and also accepted socially.

Recovering energy before final disposal of MSW can be achieved through production of heat, electricity, or fuel and WtE technologies viz. Incineration, Pyrolysis (syngas), Gasification, Refuse derived fuel(RDF), fuel in cement kilns/Iron/steel industries, biodiesel, etc. through thermal, biological and chemical processes. Segregation of wastes at source is highly important to make the system more efficient for energy recovery and involvement of all investors and Govt. also in effectively managing MSW to fulfil the objective of zero waste going to landfills. This paper deliberates on how WtE technology is feasible, financially reasonable, environmentally benefit able, analysis of energy generation, revenue from waste, status of WtE plants, issues and challenges of handling waste, separation methods, pollution control, public awareness and selection of suitable disposal technologies ensuring successful integrated MSW management and also consider the future aspects of WtE in India along with a few recommendations for the course of action and for developing better, effective WtE technologies as part of ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’.




How to Cite

Saravanan, S., P Angarakh, P., & Rao, P. (2021). Waste to Energy Technologies for Sustainable MSW Management - An Overview. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 6(1), 19–30. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/503