
  • M.S. KULKARNI Student, Department of Mechanical, Mandsaur Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • NILIMA GOVEKAR Professsor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mandsaur Institute of Technology (MIT)


Catholic Arc Evaporation; Drilling; Tialn; Tin Alcrn; Wear, PVD.


In view of the lack of reliable predictive wear theories, this paper was set up to study, experimentally, the effects of PVD surface coatings namely TiAlN, TiN+TiAlN, AlCrN on carbide twist drill bit by drilling the mild steel as work material. In the case of the TiAlN and AlCrN coated twist drill bit, an improvement in the tribological interaction between the coatings and the workpiece and also increased oxidation resistance resulted in a significant reduction in material transfer at the cutting edge. The above results are discussed in terms of the major flank wear. The use of coatings for cutting tools is nowadays widespread, however, wear mechanisms are not always understood, and a clear relationship between coating’s laboratory characterisation and operational machining performance are seldom assessed. The possibility of correlating the laboratory characterisation results with real tools operational performances would be a key issue in reducing development costs of innovative coatings. High oxidation resistant coatings, such as TiAlN, are used extensively in global manufacturing for reducing production costs and improving productivity in such aggressive metal-cutting operations. In this investigation, the performance of uncoated, TiAlN, TiN+TiAlN and TiN+AlCrN coatings was assessed on DIN6357K Carbide twist drill bit used to machine mild steel. As part of the study, the experimental method was used to characterise the performance of the twist drill bit by measuring of the progression of major flank wear. It showed that a multi layer TiN+TiAlN coating and uncoated drill bit failed to outperform TiAlN and AlCrN coated twist drill bit when machining mild steel under aggressive machining conditions.




How to Cite

KULKARNI, M., & GOVEKAR, N. (2021). THIN FILM COATINGS effect ON DRILL BIT. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 2(11), 07–16. Retrieved from