Novel Optimization of Software Testing


  • Sarvani. Vinnamala Assistant Professor, Computer Science Engineering, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Sullurpeta, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh


Software Testing; V-model, Agile V-model Development; Requirements; Debugging


The objective of any business is to fulfil the requirements of its objective clients, and IT industry isn't an exemption from that rule. In this way, the modified version of the V-model testing should manage the shortcomings of the first form being referred to by joining it with the strategy known as agile testing. Toward the beginning of the report, speculation, for example, the qualities and shortcomings of the existing V-model testing by means of writing literature and interviews with particular specialists in the circle were analysed. Rapidly, the research found that the recommended testing model gives preferable outcomes over the regular form of V-model testing. Firstly, a genuine case situations under metric assessment of the models have demonstrated that the proposed model is superior to
anything the V-model, since it can deal with the accompanying aspects; diminished testing time, debugging, prioritization of necessities , simple mapping of roles and enhanced visibility of undertaking assets. Secondly, the data from literature analyses different preferences without future model. The best needs of the new model from the respondent's discernment were; the new model oversees quickly evolving needs, it accelerates time to market, it builds profitability and it enhances quality.




How to Cite

Vinnamala, S. . (2018). Novel Optimization of Software Testing. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 404–411. Retrieved from