Development and Implementation of Modern Data Warehouse for Educational Institution


  • Sarvani. Vinnamala Assistant Professor, Computer Science Engineering, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Sullurpeta, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh


Data Warehouse; Big Data; Academic Institution; Design; Analysis and Testing


Big Data provides an opportunity to educational Institutions to use their Information Technology resources strategically to improve educational quality and guide students to higher rates of completion, and to improve student persistence and outcomes. Data warehouse tools and technologies can't deal with the load and scientific procedure of data into significant form for top administration. Big data innovation ought to be executed to broaden the current data warehouse arrangements. Institutions officially gather tremendous measures of data so the academic data of institute has been developing fundamentally and turn into a major academic data. These datasets are rich and developing. Institutional managements need tools to create data from the records. The created data is relied upon to support the basic procedure of best level management. This paper investigates how big data innovation could be executed with data warehouse to help basic leadership process. In this system, we propose Hadoop as large data analytic devices to be implemented for data ingestion organizing




How to Cite

Vinnamala, S. . (2018). Development and Implementation of Modern Data Warehouse for Educational Institution. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 418–423. Retrieved from