Static and dynamic analysis of composite leaf spring


  • V.NANDA KISHORE PG Research Scholar, Product design, Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Dr. M.L.S.DEVA KUMAR Professor of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India


-leaf spring Solidworks 2016 Software. Static and dynamic analysis


Leaf springs are generally used for suspension in automobiles leaf springs are long and narrow plates attached to the above or below to the wheel axle leaf spring prevents the transmitting of road shocks to the vehicle components, helps for safe and comfortable riding to safeguard the occupants from road shocks it is necessary to determine the maximum safe stress and deflection. The objective is to find the optimum stresses and deformation of leaf spring by applying static and dynamic loads on it. Different materials with different mechanical properties are considered for the structural static analysis. In the present work they are designed by considering dynamic and static loads on automobiles. Leaf spring model was generated by using solid works 2016. With three different thickness 6mm 5mm 4mm and analysis was done using Ansys 16.0 workbench with three kinds of materials such as E-glass epoxy, Kevlar-49 and Al-Si-Mg composite. Static and dynamic analysis is carried out at 3342.5N stress, strain and total deformation was found. By the following results Kevlar-49 consist optimum frequency, stresses, total deformation, and weight reduction factor for 5mm thickness when compared to other materials such as E-glass epoxy and Al-Si-Mg composite.




How to Cite

KISHORE, V. ., & KUMAR, D. M. . (2018). Static and dynamic analysis of composite leaf spring. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 476–486. Retrieved from