
  • SHIEK MOHAMMAD RAFI PG Research Scholar, Product design, Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh,
  • Dr. M.L.S.DEVA KUMAR Professor of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh,


Fabrication, silencer, power, generation and model


The project aimed at developing a system which is capable of generating energy from the air pressure that comes out from the vehicle’s silencer. The alternative forms of available energy constituted a substantial range and more forms are being discovered. This silencer based power generation is a low cost system and lots of energy can be generated from these days in the available vehicles with no additional damages to the nature. The project used an air foil blade of turbine and silencer setup. The air pressure from the silencer will be fallen on the air foil blades of the turbine and rotate the turbine fan blade, which is connected to a DC generator through the rotor shaft. In turbine, the wind energy is converted to mechanical energy. The mechanical energy produced in turbine is again converted to the electrical energy as DC power. The energy produced in DC generator by electromagnetic induction mechanism is stored in rechargeable battery for rural electrification. This stored energy in the rechargeable battery is fed to an inverter, which is
to DC power converted to AC power. The generated AC power supply in the inverter is sent to the AC load switching like bulbs or any home appliances. The major features of this project are alternative form of energy generation, silencer based power generation, power storage into rechargeable battery, AC load switching from rechargeable battery, finding the effective directions and positions of turbine, comparing the voltage readings of blower setup and bike setup power generation at particular speed and calculating
the voltage readings of speed variation in bike setup. The major building blocks of this project are silencer setup, turbine blade, DC generator, rechargeable battery, inverter, bulb and multimeter. The aimed project “A Fabrication Model of Silencer Based Power Generation” is fabricated such that turbine power generation from silencer air pressure and used the power for rural electrification. The optimum voltage reading of blower setup and bike setup at 3000rpm speed have shown that the best and effective direction
and position of wind turbine is at X-axes in 1800 position for high power generation in DC generator. The voltage readings of the different increasing speeds in bike setup at X-axes in 1800 position of wind turbine are also noted. The maximum power generated at various speeds of bike setup is 4.58 volts at 5000rpm. It is concluded that the effective direction and position of wind turbine is X-axes at 1800 position in blower setup as well as in bike setup. It is also concluded that maximum power generation of X-axes turbine column
direction and turbine fan at 1800 position of different increasing speed of bike setup is at 5000rpm economic speed. Integrating features of all the used hardware components has been developed in it. Every module has been reasoned out and carefully placed and also contributed to the best working unit. With the help of growing technology, the highly advanced IC’s are used in the project. The project has been successfully implemented. Thus the project has been successfully fabricated and tested.




How to Cite

RAFI, S. M. ., & KUMAR, D. M. . (2018). A FABRICATION MODEL OF SILENCER BASED POWER GENERATION. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 1137–1149. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/1181