On Certain Results Involving Bilateral Basic Hypergeometric Functions And Infinite Product


  • Neera A. Herber Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Sam HigginbottomUniversity of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences,Allahabad.
  • Jayashree Majumdar Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Sam HigginbottomUniversity of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences,Allahabad


Bilateral Basic Hypergeometric Functions , Infinite products


Some unilateral basic hypergeometric functions can be expressed in the form of bilateral basic hypergeometric functions and infinite products. In this paper, an attempt has been made to establish the results involving bilateral basic hypergeometric function and infinite products using well known Heine’s transformation and summation formula and q-analog of Euler’s transformation and summation formul




How to Cite

Herber, N. A. ., & Majumdar, . J. . (2018). On Certain Results Involving Bilateral Basic Hypergeometric Functions And Infinite Product. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 679–682. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/920